(co-authored with Che Gossett) “A Syllabus on Transgender and Nonbinary Methods for Art and Art History,” Art Journal 80.4 (Winter 2021): 100–115. Click here for PDF.

Methods for Art History / “Theory and Interpretation in the Visual Arts” (Fall 2024 graduate seminar, University of Virginia)

Queer Studies and Postwar American Art” (Spring 2025 graduate seminar, University of Virginia)

“Transgender Methods for the History of Art and Performance” (Spring 2023 graduate seminar, University of Virginia)

American Art and Transgender History” (Spring 2021 graduate seminar, Freie Universität Berlin)

Street Actions: Public Performance Art in the City of New York in the 1970s and 1980s” (Fall 2020 graduate seminar, Freie Universität Berlin)

Objects, Agents, and Audiences: Sculpture and its Expansions in the United States from the 1950s to 1990s” (Fall 2020 undergraduate seminar, Freie Universität Berlin)

Abstraction: Black, Transgender, and Queer Views” (Spring 2019 undergraduate seminar, co-taught with Sampada Aranke)

Persona, Performance, and the Modern Artist in the 19th Century” (Fall 2018 graduate seminar)

Queer Theories” (Fall 2017 graduate seminar)

[students and teachers: if you are looking for, but do not have access to, texts on the syllabi, please contact me]


A selection of hard-to-find and out-of-print catalogues, books, and texts by other authors.
See also my
list of essay PDFs.

Extended Sensibilities: Homosexual Presence in Contemporary Art, curated by Dan Cameron, New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1982 [full catalogue]

Lucy Lippard, Get the Message?: A Decade of Art for Social Change (New York: E.P. Dutton, 1984) [full book]

Doug Ischar: Marginal Waters, ed. Jacob Meehan, Golden Gallery, Chicago, 2009 [full exhibition catalogue]

Against Nature: A Group Show of Work by Homosexual Men, curated by Dennis Cooper and Richard Hawkins (Los Angeles: LACE, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 1988). [full exhibition catalogue]

Special issue: “Postposttranssexual: Keywords for a 21st-Century Transgender Studies,” ed. Susan Stryker and Paisley Currah, TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 1.1-2 (2014) [complete double issue]

The SPIT! Manifesto Reader: A Selection of Historical and Contemporary Queer Manifestos, ed. Carlos Motta, John Arthur Peetz, and Carlos Maria Romero (London: Frieze Projects, 2017)

Moe Meyer, An Archaeology of Posing: Essays on Camp, Drag, and Sexuality (Chicago: Macater Press, 2010)

Gregory Battcock, "An Eruption of Erotica," Hold Hands: Newsletter of the Gay Activists Alliance of New Jersey, v.2,n.1 (April 1975): 12-15, 22.

Gregory Battcock, “New Frontiers in Erotic Art,” Screw (6 December 1971): 4-11.

Sarah Whitworth, "Angry Louise Fishman (Serious)," Amazon Quarterly v.1n.4 & v.2n.1 (October 1973), 57-59.

Stonewall Romances: A Tenth Anniversary Celebration (New York: “Flower Beneath the Foot” Press, 1979). Interviews by Steven Watson, photographs by Ray Dobbins, drawings by Joe Longo, story script by Charles Webb, collages by Mark Simon, cover and interview illustrations by Daniel Abraham. Featuring memoir by Sylvia Rivera, poem by Jimmy Camicia about Marsha P. Johnson, recollections of gay bars and bookstores, and cameos of Agosto Machado, Peter Hujar, and others.

Greer Lankton, "My Life is Art," interview by Carlo McCormick, East Village Eye v.5,n.49 (Nov. 1984): 18-19.

Raymond Macrino, “Jackie Curtis: The Victory Isn't Vain.” [INTERVIEW] The Herald: The Manhattan News and Entertainment Weekly (6 June 1971): s.2, 5.

Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt, “Glitter,” in Tangents: Art in Fiber, curated by Mary Jane Jacob (Baltimore: Maryland Institute College of Art, 1987), n.p.

Frank Moore, Geoffrey Hendricks, and Sur Rodney (Sur), “A Living Testament of the Blood Fairies,” Artists Space Newsletter 2.3 (November 1996-January 1997), 4-5.

John Preston, “The New York Galleries: Non-Competitive Exposure,” [LGB galleries in New York in 1980] Alternate 2.12 (March/April 1980): 12-15.

John Preston, “The Gallery Owners: Three Profiles” [state of LGB-themed art galleries in 1980 in U.S.] Alternate 2.12 (March/April 1980): 23-25.

Arne Kantrowitz, “A Gay Struggles with the New Acceptance,” The Village Voice (17 November 1975): 36, 39-41.

Frank O’Hara, What’s With Modern Art?, edited by Bill Berkson (Austin, Texas: Mike & Dale’s Press, 1999) [complete chapbook]

Beverly Pepper, Potluck Cookery (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, 1955) [little-known but entirely useful cookbook by the monumental minimalist sculptor Beverly Pepper]

Queer Abstraction, exh. cat. (Des Moines, Iowa: Des Moines Art Center, 2019). [out of print, full catalogue]

A Leap in the Dark: AIDS, Art & Contemporary Cultures, ed. Allan Klusaček and Ken Morrison (Éditions Artexte, 1992). Courtesy of (and with new introduction by) Ryan Conrad. [link to complete book]