Queer Behavior:
Scott Burton and Performance Art
Winner of the 2023 Robert Motherwell Book Award for outstanding publication in the history and criticism of modernism in the arts, awarded by the Dedalus Foundation.
University of Chicago Press, 2022
Scott Burton (1939–89) created performance art and sculpture that drew on queer experience and the sexual cultures that flourished in New York City in the 1970s. David J. Getsy argues that Burton looked to body language and queer behavior in public space—most importantly, street cruising—as foundations for rethinking the audiences and possibilities of art. This first book on the artist examines Burton’s underacknowledged contributions to performance art and how he made queer life central in them. Extending his performances about cruising, sexual signaling, and power dynamics throughout the decade, Burton also came to create functional sculptures that covertly signaled queerness by hiding in plain sight as furniture waiting to be used.
With research drawing from multiple archives and numerous interviews, Getsy charts Burton’s deep engagements with postminimalism, performance, feminism, behavioral psychology, design history, and queer culture. A restless and expansive artist, Burton transformed his commitment to gay liberation into a unique practice of performance, sculpture, and public art that aspired to be anti-elitist, embracing of differences, and open to all. Filled with stories of Burton’s life in New York’s art communities, Queer Behavior makes a case for Burton as one of the most significant out queer artists to emerge in the wake of the Stonewall uprising and offers rich accounts of queer art and performance art in the 1970s.
”Building on unprecedented research, Queer Behavior is the first substantial study of Scott Burton’s anti-hierarchical, eclectic, desire-oriented art of the 1970s. Getsy has written a masterful work—rigorous, encyclopedic, sympathetic, and inspired—toward a loving recuperation of an artist whose work has at times been eclipsed in histories of art and performance. Argument-driven and lushly narrated, Getsy’s writing hybridizes close analysis, critical biography, cultural history, and art historiography. The resulting book is unyieldingly good, at times breathtakingly so.”
– Dominic Johnson, Queen Mary University of London, and author of Unlimited Action: The Performance of Extremity in the 1970s
“Getsy’s long-awaited, meticulously researched volume reads like a novel. I thoroughly enjoyed it as scholarship, history, ‘deep gossip,’ and prose. He has marshaled craft and discipline to produce an accessible, nuanced, and compelling account of Burton’s unconventional and uniquely queer development. It’s a tremendously important, insightful, and lucid contribution to the field. This book is necessary reading for performance art scholars and anybody—everybody—who needs a road map to navigate the constant challenges that lonely creatives face against the pressures of prejudice and conformity.”
– Gregg Bordowitz, artist and author of Some Styles of Masculinity; Glenn Ligon: Untitled (I am a Man); and General Idea: Image Virus
“Getsy offers a rigorously researched and beautifully rendered account of Burton’s performance practice, focusing on the lesser-known arc of Burton’s work from the 1970’s and, in the process, establishing its importance for both the art historical record and for histories of queer life. This is a substantial contribution to our knowledge of performance art, queer performance, and the performance scene of 1970s New York.”
– Joshua Chambers-Letson, Northwestern University, and author of After the Party: A Manifesto for Queer of Color Life
“Getsy’s intelligent and compelling monograph is both an exhaustive analysis of the pieces Burton created during this period and a useful contribution to our understanding of the relationship between gender, sexuality, and aesthetics.”
– PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art
“Queer Behavior, David Getsy’s rigorous and readable monograph of post-Minimalist sculptor and performance pioneer Scott Burton, is the result of extensive archival research and interviews with the artist’s improvised network of collaborators, acquaintances, and friends. […] Throughout Getsy emphasizes not only the coded citations that
Burton mobilized—the amount of archival material reprinted here is impressive—but also the broader, antihierarchical political impulse of his colloquial, demotic practice.”
– The Art Bulletin
“Queer Behavior … seek[s] to inject art objets, sculptures, and performances that we might not necessarily consider as heavy with queer politics, with a queer aesthetic that moves beyond the surfaces of identity and identity politics.”
– Art History
David Getsy, Robert Motherwell Book Award Lecture
Artists Space, New York, 15 December 2023
publisher listing with excerpt
download the introduction
excerpt of concluding pages republished in May 2023 by Burlington Contemporary
2023 Robert Motherwell Book Award winner.
Read a review from PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art.
Read a review from The Art Bulletin.
Watch the award lecture at Artists Space that provides an overview of the book.